Bridge Burning is Never a Good Idea
Apr 01, 2006
Food For Thought

Bridge Burning is Never a Good Idea

If you're planning to leave your job, mind that you don't burn any bridges on the way out the door. In fact, it's never a good to leave a job in a bad way and/or without proper notice. If you leave on a whim, you'll leave your manager short-handed and with little or no time to fill your spot. Even if you weren't treated exactly as you would have liked, it's not an excuse to leave in a huff. After all, you never know when you may run into your ex-colleagues. Plus, good references are critical if/when you're looking for a new job.

If you want to leave your job with dignity and integrity, keep the flowing list of DON'TS in mind:
  • Don't send your boss an e-mail saying that you're quitting, and then walk out the door.
  • Don't walk out in the middle of a workday and never return.
  • Don't say nasty things before you go.
  • Don't sabotage the workplace. Never destroy company property or do something that compromises your healthcare organization's daily operations.
  • Don't quit or give short notice while the boss is on vacation.
The best tactic is to leave as graciously as possible. Let your boss know you are planning to leave and give decent notice. You'll be glad you did later.