How to Simplify Your Life
Nov 15, 2008
Food For Thought

Do you constantly find yourself running from place to place, over-scheduled and over-committed? If so, you may never have quality time for yourself or for the people and things you love. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. You can adopt tactics to reduce the clutter in your life, which will in turn simplify your daily routine, helping you to get back to the people and things that are most important to you. Below are five great ways to start.

Make a list of your top priorities. What’s most important to you? What do you value the most? Write down your top priorities. Simplifying starts with these priorities, as you are trying to make room so you have more time for these things.

Evaluate your commitments. Look at everything you’ve got going on in your life—everything from work to home to kids’ activities to hobbies. Think about which of these really gives you value and joy. Which of these are in line with the priorities you listed above? Drop those that aren’t in line with those things.

Learn to say no. This is key for those who are trying to simplify their lives. If you can’t say no, you will take on too much.

Limit your communications when possible. Our lives these days are filled with a vast flow of communications: e-mail, IM, cell phones, text messages, etc. It can take up your entire day if you let it. Instead, put a limit on your communications. For example, only do IM once a day and/or limit personal phone calls to certain times. Set a schedule and stick to it.

Get Organized. As straightforward as this may seem, getting yourself organized is extremely important when you want to simplify your life. Getting organized means getting rid of the clutter and unnecessary junk around you. Block out some time and get rid of the stuff you don’t want or need. Be sure to donate those items that are still usable.
Remember, with a few simple steps and a little perseverance, you can discover the joys and value of a simplified life!

“Complexity creates a maze between you and success. Simplicity ensures a clear line of sight.”
—Lee J. Colan