Attitude Is Everything!
Jan 15, 2008
Food For Thought

Attitude Is Everything!

Small Attitude Adjustments that Make a Big Difference

As many people say, attitude is everything. In fact, if you ask the most successful workers who have climbed the corporate ladder, many will tell you that having a good attitude played a primary role.

There is no place better than the workplace to change your attitude; especially if it's sabotaging the success of your career. Here are some simple ways you can develop a more positive attitude at work:

Do everything with a smile. Approach every task, even the ones that seem too trivial and minute, as tasks that demand equal effort and attention as the larger ones do. Do it with a smile and don't complain about it to other coworkers either. Remember that someone is always watching and listening to you, and anything negative you have to say will most likely come back to bite you.

Approach mistakes as learning opportunities. When you make a mistake-whether it's something big or small-don't beat yourself up about it. Complaining and dwelling won't do anything to change the mistake. It will only annoy your co-workers. Rather, make sure you discover what went wrong and what factors contributed to it. This will lead you to be more successful, as well as help you to avoid the same mistake later on.

Exude confidence. New tasks and challenges are often difficult to embrace. However, if you are fearful of new things and act defeated, people may think that you have a bad attitude. When you're confident (but not cocky), you are showing everyone that you are capable of doing whatever is asked of you. If you need help, be sure to ask for it and show enthusiasm when you are learning how to do your tasks. 

Assume responsibility for your actions.  When you acknowledge that it is you who is responsible for determining your career path, you will achieve your career goals much quicker. Now, that isn't to say that unfair bosses or circumstances won't stand in your way, but ultimately it is the actions which result from having a positive attitude that will make your career advance to the level you want it to.

Whether it's being nicer to everyone in the office or always being the first one to volunteer to take on more projects, making positive attitude adjustments now will reap tremendous benefits well into the future.

"The only disability in life is a bad attitude.&#xu201D;

-Scott Hamilton


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