Maun Lemke Maun Lemke Maun Lemke

Greg Efta

This program is designed to assist management and staff in understanding and developing a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) process. Based on specific, time-tested principles, this process is not simply a theory; it must become a practice.

As with any quality improvement process, the real beginning is understanding our customer base. Then we can proceed to what quality really means and how each person impacts quality at every level.


Upon completion of this program, the participants will be able to do the following:

  1. Develop a deep understanding of the personal commitments made to both industry and career.
  2. Recognize who their customers are and what those customers expect.
  3. Understand the seven key principles of implementing a “Quality Team” approach.
  4. Develop an understanding of empowerment through the self-directed work team model.

I. Introduction
II. Customers
A. Who are they?
B. What do they want?
C. What are their rights?
D. What are their responsibilities?
E. Delegation
III. Quality
A. What is it?
B. How do we get it?
C. How do we measure it?
D. How do we keep it?
IV. Quality Teams - Employee Empowerment
A. Self Directed Work Teams model

  1. Philosophy
  2. Principles
  3. Types
  4. Benefits
B. Seven Key Elements to Successful Teams

  1. Visibility/Identity
  2. Celebration/Fun
  3. Shared Goals
  4. Becoming goal driven
  5. Orientation
  6. Sharing the work
  7. Communication
C. Continuous Quality Improvement Through Employee Empowerment

  1. Building accountability
  2. Motiviating and rewarding
VI. Communicating for Success
VII. Conclusion
V. Conclusion

This lively and energetic program can be structured as a 1.5 - 3 hour seminar utilizing real life examples and case studies with specific themes. “Quality” can also be expanded to an on-going consulting program including research, planning, education, implementation and follow-up.

Maun Lemke, LLC. Copyright 2006: All Rights Reserved.